Branching Tree Speech Therapy PC
...because you have a voice.

Who is a Late Talker?
Some factors that may put your child at risk for language problems include:

Understanding Language
If your child does not understand what they hear before they use words. Your child may not be able to point to objects when you name them and follow simple directions. If your child does not seem to understand well for their age, they are less likely to catch up on with their language independently.
Using Gestures
If your child does not use gestures to communicate, especially before they can say many words.
Gestures include pointing, waving “hi” or “bye,” and putting their arms up so you will pick them up.

Learning New Words
Your child may be slower to talk, but they should still try to use new words each month. They may start putting some words together or use words to ask questions. If your child does not do this, they are less likely to catch up on their own and have a delay.